
The Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD) is a self-initiated and self-funded umbrella group for Career Development associations and related partner groups from across Canada. It promotes a national advocacy voice for the Career Development profession and provides a vehicle for international outreach and engagement of the Career Development field. 3CD supports provincial/territorial collaboration on common issues including (but not limited to) policy, research, certification, training, practitioner mobility and building the Career Development evidence base.

The 3CD was formed from the grass-roots, based on extensive consultation and input from the field. It serves as a mechanism for pan-Canadian collaboration on career development issues among career development associations, post-secondary institutions, training providers, provincial/territorial government departments, resource developers and private service providers. The 3CD facilitates national exchange and mutual support, serves as a unified voice for our field and is a vehicle for collective action on common priorities. The heart of the 3CD are its working groups:

The Certification Working Group: promotes collaboration and greater cohesion across provincial certification initiatives.  All provinces with existing or emerging career practitioner certification are active members.  The group has been instrumental in supporting the formation of new provincial professional associations and certification. It is now grappling collectively with issues of reciprocity and national harmonization.

The Outreach & Advocacy Working Group: was formed in 2015 when two former groups (the Media and the National Career Development Challenge Work Groups) merged.  Realizing that their mandates and activities were aligned, these two groups formed into the Outreach & Advocacy Working Group squarely focused on getting career development and our key issues more prominently profiled.

Evidence Working Group: was formed in 2016 to advance evidence-based research, policy and practice in Canada.

The Technology Working Group: was formed in 2019 and oversees website functionality and maintenance, content development and communications plans. The team manages 3CD online content development, social media and eNewsletter delivery.

2018 3CD Annual Meeting Notes

2018 3CD Annual Meeting Agenda

2017 3CD Annual Report

2017 3CD Annual Meeting Notes

2017 3CD Annual Meeting Agenda

2016 3CD Annual Report

Roster of 3CD Directors (January 2017)

3CD By-Laws (January 2017)

2016 3CD Annual Meeting Notes

2015 3CD Annual Report

2015-2016 Working Group Updates and Priorities

2015  3CD Annual Meeting Notes

2014 3CD Annual Meeting Notes -2015 Priorities

2013 3CD Annual Meeting Notes -2014 Priorities

2012 3CD Annual Meeting Notes – 2013 Priorities

2011 3CD Annual Report